10 Ways Attain Riches

  1. Get up every morning and pray!
  2. Be thankful for what you do have: your life, your health, your family, your home and your current wealth. When appreciate what you have you draw in more things that make you feel happy. Think positive! Feel Happy, your dreams are coming true. Believe it!
  3. Throw yourself into something: your job, your hobby, and/or school, remain productive for 8 hours a day until you can walk in the success of your dream.
  4. Create a to do list ways to achieve your goal/your dream: “the how” and you don’t finish in one day it carries over to the next day, make sure your goals are attainable, make them realistic. I have New Year’s resolution goals for myself and for my business. Take them seriously, even if it takes years, don’t give up on yourself, don’t give up on your dream.
  5. Examine your friends are they hindering you or are they helping you, make a list of all the people in your life. One side list Hindrance and the other side Helpful, and remove the ones that’s not going anywhere or doing anything productive with their life.
  6. How are you spending your time? Are you wasting time or are productive with your time; examine what you are doing with your time. Are you working towards your goals.
  7. Show gratitude when someone does something for you; say thank-you, because they did not have to do it, be humble.
  8. Are bad habits preventing you from moving forward? Drinking, partying on the weekends or every day with your friends. Are you willing to give up these bad habits to be successful, what are you willing to sacrifice in order to live a rich and fulfilling life.
  9. Forgive, I know it was hard for me too, the day I decided to forgive someone they were dead in the ground, my heart was hardened, I was still pissed when they died, all the years they mistreated me and all I wanted was love. I realized I had to let it go, so I asked God to help me forgive those who hurt me, because me, voluntarily doing it, feeling it, wasn’t enough.

From that day on, when I decided to forgive, I have received blessing after blessing after blessing. God opened doors for me, no one could open!

Not forgiving someone, cuts off your blessings from God, he forgave us, so we much forgive others.

10. Stay consistent with your dream, believe in yourself and believe in your dream because once you stick with it, you will see the progress you made. A wise man fall down 7 times and he still get up; When you are going after your dream, you will make mistakes, you will fall, but what is your reason for getting back up, what is your reason for staying committed.

Nothing in this life comes easy and if it does it will leave just as easy, there is no get rich quick scheme, trust me they all end in disaster. Without sacrifice there can be no victory! Because you’ve worked so hard to be successful, it feels that much more better when you achieve your dream. Struggle brings out your inner strength!

Gigi King 6/28/2016


4 thoughts on “10 Ways Attain Riches

  1. Dakota's Document Preparation & Consulting Services, LLC says:

    Reblogged this on dakotasdocumentpreparation and commented:

    Nothing in this life comes easy and if it does it will leave just as easy, there is no get rich quick scheme, trust me they all end in disaster. Without sacrifice there can be no victory! Because you’ve worked so hard to be successful, it feels that much more better when you achieve your dream. Struggle brings out your inner strength!


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