Why Education Matters

Study What You Want To know!

Dakota's Document Preparation


Increased knowledge on subjects you would not have thought about, education opens your mind for new ideas, helps one express creativity, helps one identify right from wrong as well as right from left. Education Increases one literacy and vocabulary skills. Educations helps shapes and develop your reading skills, writing skills, math skills, science skills, history and analytical thinking skills. Education can help develop real world skills, for the job market and for life. If one had ever had a dream to do something they always wanted to do one could go to school, get educated, education is survival of the fittest, the more you know the further you go. One can’t go out and buy things without a job, you can’t get a job without experience, and you can’t get experience without education and you will not know how to go about getting a job, getting experience without education…

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Are You Irritated With Your Current Circumstances?

You Have To Love Yourself.

Dakota's Document Preparation


Did you know that an oyster only bears a pearl when enough irritation from food or sand occurs within the shell, all oysters don’t bear pearls.

In life we all get irritated, in fact this makes us better, you have to go through the storm in your life in order to get better this is where our strength lies inside of irritation. You haven’t done your best until you’ve endured your worse; this way you will appreciate the best.

You want what you want and you want it quickly because it is not coming fast enough so you get irritated, sad, disappointed and confused, so this makes you yearn for it more, then out of no way, a way is made.

You have to keep on believing, keep going, keep hoping, keep wishing, keep believing in your dream because you are so close to your breakthrough, your storm is passing…

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What I’ve Learned As A Business Owner?

Know Your Best & Know Your Worst! Know Who You Are.

Dakota's Document Preparation

Being in business for 6 years, I have learned a lot things such learning new strategies, techniques & dealing with people, most of all I found myself. I know my worst & I know my best, most all I found my strength.

Being able to endure the ups & downs of commerce–business, will force you to learn quickly & adapt to the circumstances which your business brings, good or bad, I have to constantly remind myself of my faith. You find what works best for you & overtime you learn to implement new strategies & self-motivate to kick-start yourself in drive. You will find motivation if you want true success for your business.

You will explore all options, and giving up is not one of them!

Learn to stay focused

Legal topics can difficult; sometimes I zone out and have a hard time staying focused during legal research. So I give…

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What I’ve Learned As A Business Owner?

Being in business for 6 years, I have learned a lot things such learning new strategies, techniques & dealing with people, most of all I found myself. I know my worst & I know my best, most all I found my strength.

Being able to endure the ups & downs of commerce–business, will force you to learn quickly & adapt to the circumstances which your business brings, good or bad, I have to constantly remind myself of my faith. You find what works best for you & overtime you learn to implement new strategies & self-motivate to kick-start yourself in drive. You will find motivation if you want true success for your business.

You will explore all options, and giving up is not one of them!

Learn to stay focused

Legal topics can difficult; sometimes I zone out and have a hard time staying focused during legal research. So I give myself a 10 minute coffee break before I start working, 10 minute break before the noon and a 15-minute 2 hours after lunch. I drink a Red Bull to stay alert & pray throughout the day. Find what works for you!

Know You Are Going To Make Mistakes

Be willing to correct your documents, proof read, proof read and proof read again.

Never let your friends & family join you at the office

You are gonna have so much fun having them around you are going to let the phone ring just to get your point across or to listen to your friend or family member chitchat.

Always send out invoices

This is your bread & butter, this is how you make your money, E-mail your invoice to your client & mail out another one just in case they didn’t get the email.

Do Not Forget To Say Thank You

Always thank your customer for their business because they could have went somewhere else, and always ask if they have a friend or family member they would like to refer, and if they do, say thank you and send them a letter or an e-mail saying thank you for the referral, nothing travels like word of mouth.


Always Be In The Know

Be Up to Date & current on news, information or changes in your industry, take a class, attend a seminar, and always be in the know! Stay on the cutting edge.

Advertise, Advertise, Advertise

What good is a product or service if no one knows! Have a marketing plan, business cards, flyers, a website, a blog, you must have a social media profile because all your potential clients are online these days and you must tell them. It takes money to spend money, spend money on radio ads, newspaper advertisement or commercials because in the long run it will be worth it, you will be glad you did.

Be Willing To Do What You Do For Free

Start a non-profit this is the best way to give back to the community, be a positive influence, help out, donate your time, I know on the inside you will feel good you did. Donate to charity & the organic exposure from the event will make people wonder who you are & what you do, be willing to make a positive impact in the community.

Stay Committed, Stick to Your Goal

If you are willing to see it through, stick to one thing, grow, shape & maintain it, you will create stability & not be a fly by night business, be consistent, people do business with people they know, like & trust. Have Brand Consistency. The more people see you, the more they will trust you, don’t go underground for too long, people will forget you, people will forget your brand & what you represent.

Learn To Pace Yourself, Be Patient!

Just recently, I burned myself out, I was too exhausted to work, I was suffering from Anxiety, and I was simply doing too much, wanting instant results with all that I have accomplished. I now know, it will come because I set things in place to come back to me. Being inpatient will teach you patience, it will all happen, think positive & know that hard work & dedication is bound to pay off, nothing you do is for nothing; there is always an end result. For every action, there is a reaction. Take a vacation or a stay-cation, to recharge, regenerate, renew your mind & you will come back with new ideas to grow & expand your business.

Knowing When To Lead

As the boss, CEO, you have to know when you need to step in and make executive decisions based on the overall good of the company, always know what you need to get the job done & know who you need to get the job done, if you are not meeting the quota needed to gain the projected sales growth, take action, set up a new marketing plan, invest in new strategies, brainstorm, be solution-driven, do not focus on the problem, give all your energy towards solutions. Create some form of a think tank for your business, join a mastermind group!

Get Up!

Even when you don’t feel like it, get your ass out of bed, push yourself, 90% of small business fail within the first 5 years because they fail to plan and the owners are lazy, very lazy. Implement a new strategy to motivate yourself because no else will, this is your business, your goal, your dream, believe in YOU! This should self-motivate you to Get Up! Running Your Own Business means you are in control of your destiny, you are in control of your money, don’t let yourself down.

Find Your Customers

Know where they are, are they online, watching TV, reading the newspaper, listening to the radio, surfing through my blog, where are they, find them! Develop a Target Market analyses know who your customers are & what they are doing! Go to networking events around town, spread the word, and find new leads.

Caution! It Takes Time

It is not going to happen overnight, no one I know was an overnight sensation; it takes most people at least 1 to 2 years to be great at what they do because they were consistent with their brand, consistent with their marketing, all is quiet before the storm, then boom, and your brand will become a household name. There are no get rich quick schemes, it will happen, people will began to notice your brand, it takes time! You have develop a presence in the community before people know, like & trust you—your brand.



Gigi King 8/30/2016






Which Business Entity Is Best For You A Corporation, C Corp or an S Corp?

When forming a company always research which business entity is best for your company in regards to income, taxes and dividends, always check with the IRS or go online to http://www.irs.gov and weigh your options.

Dakota's Document Preparation

When forming your business organization choosing what business structure is best for you is critical because you will also need to file your SS4 is the Application for Federal Employer Identification Number for tax purpose this is filing for your EIN number, even if you do not have employees still file anyway.

If you are using another name, not your own, you need to file your fictitious name application online with www.sunbiz.org  and file your business license with your county clerk’s office downtown.

It is also a good idea to open up a bank account for the business separate from yours so that you can have clear accounting methods and see profits & growth of the company, in addition to, customers can write checks out to the company.

A Corporation, Inc.: A group of people that own and/or operate a business, usually a group of people. Often referred to as…

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