23 Things You Don’t Want To Hear When You Get To Work !

This Maybe Office Banter, But The truth Lies in the Silver Lining!

Dakota's Document Preparation

  1. You’re fired:  The Pink Slip! No car payment, No Mortgage, leads to an unhappy spouse.
  2. Your company is downsizing: Meaning several layoffs including you.
  3. Your company is outsourcing jobs: They moved overseas
  4. Your boss is dead:  Well, if your boss was a jerk, good news!
  5. Your co-workers was embezzling company funds:  Basically stole the money
  6. The 40(1)(k) is exhausted: No retirement or pension fund available all the money you put in is gone.
  7. The company is merging everyone is fired: When one company mergers with another this tends to happen to cut costs.
  8. The boss was arrested last night: For something nobody wants to know about
  9. No one is getting paid on Friday: Always bad news, bills come in regardless
  10. The stock collapsed & the company is going belly-up: The company is cash poor.
  11. Your boss is a transgender: Who wants to hear about the boss’s sexuality or sexual identity!
  12. Your boss is a wanted serial killer: That’s…

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23 Things You Don’t Want To Hear When You Get To Work !

  1. You’re fired:  The Pink Slip! No car payment, No Mortgage, leads to an unhappy spouse.
  2. Your company is downsizing: Meaning several layoffs including you.
  3. Your company is outsourcing jobs: They moved overseas
  4. Your boss is dead:  Well, if your boss was a jerk, good news!
  5. Your co-workers was embezzling company funds:  Basically stole the money
  6. The 40(1)(k) is exhausted: No retirement or pension fund available all the money you put in is gone.
  7. The company is merging everyone is fired: When one company mergers with another this tends to happen to cut costs.
  8. The boss was arrested last night: For something nobody wants to know about
  9. No one is getting paid on Friday: Always bad news, bills come in regardless
  10. The stock collapsed & the company is going belly-up: The company is cash poor.
  11. Your boss is a transgender: Who wants to hear about the boss’s sexuality or sexual identity!
  12. Your boss is a wanted serial killer: That’s gotta suck.
  13. The company is involved in espionage:  The company is involved an in illegal enterprise.
  14. The boss is involved in entrapment: Illegal dealings with undercover feds/police
  15. One of your co-workers is sleeping with the boss: Just Wrong!
  16. Your boss left his wife for another man: Again, Who wants to hear about the boss’s sexuality!
  17. You really work for a shell company overseas: Who really wants to find out the company isn’t real.
  18. You are the new boss: If you have not properly trained for this, instant anxiety.
  19. You are not getting the raise you were promised: Not enough money in the budget
  20. You are not getting the promotion as promised: After all the overtime you’ve worked to prove yourself, that’s gotta suck!
  21. The guy you trained is getting the job: What a slap in the face!
  22. Your friend is getting the bonus instead of you: Because he has higher productivity than you! That’s gotta hurt
  23. You are not getting that company car: 2016 Jaguar They found out your license is suspended & you didn’t know! Ouch.


Gigi King 10/31/2016

All The Things A Man Will Do To Get It For Free—12 Player Moves

FYI: A lot of men, not all, are intimidated by a woman who is making her own money, why? Because she doesn’t need him & will not tolerate his crap; an independent woman is strong-willed, strong-minded & will let you know she can do better!

Dakota's Document Preparation

Some men think they are so clever; they will do anything to get it for free.

As I sit here and reflect back on the good ol days chatting with friends I hear stories about how their relationships ended in disaster and how they are lucky enough to be with good men they are with now.

Player move 1: He will take you out to a nice restaurant and order a pretty good meal that cost, well a lot to try to prove he got money, he got a good job. Then he will go to the bathroom, break a glass or something small and without you noticing it or the waiter, he will put it in his food, the broken glass and when they come back to your table to check on you, he says, there is glass in my food and I almost ate it.

Naturally, the manager…

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All The Things A Man Will Do To Get It For Free—12 Player Moves

Some men think they are so clever; they will do anything to get it for free.

As I sit here and reflect back on the good ol days chatting with friends I hear stories about how their relationships ended in disaster and how they are lucky enough to be with good men they are with now.

Player move 1: He will take you out to a nice restaurant and order a pretty good meal that cost, well a lot to try to prove he got money, he got a good job. Then he will go to the bathroom, break a glass or something small and without you noticing it or the waiter, he will put it in his food, the broken glass and when they come back to your table to check on you, he says, there is glass in my food and I almost ate it.

Naturally, the manager comes to inspect the situation and says we will cover your bill and have a free desert on the house.

Astonishing, I never saw that one coming! So we leave and like always, we go and have sex. That’s two for him, free food and free sex.

Player move 2: He will take out to a place of your choice, dinner, movie or wherever, ya’ll eat, order your drinks and when it comes time to pay he tells you his check was short this week can you pay for it this time and next time he will pay.

Player move 3: He will come over to your house at night and after he gets some, he tells you he has to leave early because he has to work early the next day or pickup his co-worker. Lies, he cannot stay out past ten o’clock because his wife is calling, she is pissed and looking for him.

Player move 4: He always keeps his phone face down on the table, so you cannot see who’s calling him. That Part!

Player move 5: He has to always take calls in the next room; he can never answer the phone in front of you. It’s not a business call or a work call, lies!

Player move 6: Days, weeks, even months go by before you see him or talk to him again, why? Because he is spending quality time with his wife or girlfriend. He probably has kids!

Player move 7: He cries when he is telling you stories about how horrible his ex girlfriend did him, that’s a classic move, he wants your booty after dinner as comfort.

Player move 8: He ain’t never got money when y’all are together, that’s because his wife or girlfriend is spending it all on bills. He says he had to pay bills, right, he told you.

Player move 9: Just because a man buys you flowers doesn’t mean he loves you, he is apologizing in some form for something. Especially if there isn’t a holiday approaching or your birthday.

Player move 10: He accuses you of cheating, that’s because he is trying to psychologically cover up for his wrong-doing making you feel guilty about doing something.

Player move 11: He says he beats you because he loves you; he does that to you because you let him! He is mentally controlling you. He really feels insecure about himself, because you are very beautiful and weak minded. If a man controls the mind, he controls the body!

Player move 12: A man knows another man is after his woman, therefore, he belittles you, drags down your self-esteem & you are too depressed to see this, and you become overweight & unattractive that’s just to keep another man from looking at you. He doesn’t take you anywhere or spend any time with you, just keep you under lock & key, pregnant & barefooted; under his control.

FYI: A lot of men, not all, are intimidated by a woman who is making her own money, why? Because she doesn’t need him & will not tolerate his crap; an independent woman is strong-willed, strong-minded & will let you know she can do better!


Gigi King 10/18/2016



Do You Whether You Are His Girlfriend or His Boo?

Stop Wasting Time In A Relationship That Is Going Nowhere!

Dakota's Document Preparation

A man also knows when you are not the one!

The harsh reality is you might be his boo, thinking you are his girlfriend.

Do you know the difference!

During introduction to his friends and family a man will call it. This is my friend translation this means you are his boo.

Please know where you are in your relationship with your man, don’t fall-in-love too quickly until you have established how he sees you.

You can be going out with your man for years! Anywhere from one month to two years and can still introduce you as his friend—translation: boo.

Don’t get caught up in your feelings boo, trying to tie him down and he keeps running from you, he will not marry you if he is not in-love with you.

Did you know it is possible to love someone but not be in-love with that person!

If a…

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Do You Whether You Are His Girlfriend or His Boo?

A man also knows when you are not the one!

The harsh reality is you might be his boo, thinking you are his girlfriend.

Do you know the difference!

During introduction to his friends and family a man will call it. This is my friend translation this means you are his boo.

Please know where you are in your relationship with your man, don’t fall-in-love too quickly until you have established how he sees you.

You can be going out with your man for years! Anywhere from one month to two years and can still introduce you as his friend—translation: boo.

Don’t get caught up in your feelings boo, trying to tie him down and he keeps running from you, he will not marry you if he is not in-love with you.

Did you know it is possible to love someone but not be in-love with that person!

If a man only come over at night and no weekends, never during the day, only when the two of you go out of town, you are his boo and plus he is lying to his wife or his girlfriend when he is away with you. Trust!

The only thing open at night is restaurants, clubs, the movies & your legs! Yes, I said that boo, your legs.

Oh yeah, he will give you a few dollars; because you pay a boo to leave, not to stay!

A girlfriend or his wife will make sure he has virtually no money left on payday, Why? Because he has to pay the mortgage, the light bill, food and car expenses where he is living at!

If he can go days, weeks & months without seeing you or calling you, he is not working, he is preoccupied with his wife or girlfriend spending quality time at home.

He cannot marry you if he is already married and he will not marry you if he is not in-love with you, especially if he is introducing you as his friend— translation boo.

If you have been in this relationship so you call it, with a man longer than 2 years, he doesn’t have any intentions of marrying you, especially if you and him are living together the entire time.

Check The Facts of your relationship—translation: Friendship with your man, boo!

FYI: A man will state it, upon introduction: This is my lady, My Queen! Translation: Girlfriend.


Gigi King 10/18/2016