Thought For Today: Rebuild Myself

Self-awareness is a powerful tool and we must embrace it in order to find true happiness.

Dakota's Document Preparation

One of my followers asked me this question and this is how I responded?

Reader: I was the go to person/ doormat; I broke down, now I have physical pain and cognitive issues. I picked myself up, got a divorce and have been trying to rebuild myself and my life without any support. What should I do?

Gigi: In order to change yourself, your life you must first change your thinking, you are whole, you realized no one can be in control of your happiness, but you. If you focus on the pain you will continue to be in pain, focus on joy & hope. Live in the possibility, focus on healing, focus on happiness.

So you are trying to find yourself! still keep going in spite of all the hurt & pain you have endured in your life, still believe in your dreams, have faith. Love your creator, he will see…

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Thought For Today: Rebuild Myself

One of my followers asked me this question and this is how I responded?

Reader: I was the go to person/ doormat; I broke down, now I have physical pain and cognitive issues. I picked myself up, got a divorce and have been trying to rebuild myself and my life without any support. What should I do?

Gigi: In order to change yourself, your life you must first change your thinking, you are whole, you realized no one can be in control of your happiness, but you. If you focus on the pain you will continue to be in pain, focus on joy & hope. Live in the possibility, focus on healing, focus on happiness.

So you are trying to find yourself! still keep going in spite of all the hurt & pain you have endured in your life, still believe in your dreams, have faith. Love your creator, he will see you through it all. You are still the go to person, because you are intelligent, use it!

Find your purpose in life, continue to be strong, believe that you will overcome this obstacle in your life, this temporary, your help comes from above, think positive about your situation, you are now free to do as you choose, you are no longer a doormat, you should not allowed anyone to walk all over you in the first place.

Be in control of your destiny, this is your time, it is all about you, do what makes you happy.

Self-awareness is a powerful tool and we must embrace it in order to find true happiness, this is how you know what you want. You have to love yourself, you have to believe in yourself! 

You are on the quest to finding yourself, it took you long enough to realize it, now go be the best you, you can possibly be, stop feeling sorry for yourself, we all have burdens, you are not the only one & you are never alone, pray & you will see the true power of the living God.

Submit your questions to my e-mail:, so that I can answer your thought for today!


Gigi King 12/26/2016

Thought For Today: Purpose for my life

We were all put here for a purpose; we were born to add value & meaning to life! Your mission is life is the mission you give yourself

Dakota's Document Preparation

One of my followers asked me this question and this is how I responded?

Reader: How do I define a purpose for my life?

Gigi: Your purpose is what you say it is, your mission in life is the mission you give yourself, sit down and write it out on a piece of paper, I want to_____________ and then fill in the blank, no one can help define your purpose but you.

We were all put here for a purpose; we were born to add value & meaning to life!

What did you want to be when you were 10 years old? Chase your dream, chase your goal, this is how you find purpose for your life.

Start a charity, go back to school, look at the occupation trades for a doctor, a nurse, a lawyer, a teacher, a pastor, a writer, start a blog, publish a book, open up…

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Thought For Today: Purpose for my life

One of my followers asked me this question and this is how I responded?

Reader: How do I define a purpose for my life?

Gigi: Your purpose is what you say it is, your mission in life is the mission you give yourself, sit down and write it out on a piece of paper, I want to_____________ and then fill in the blank, no one can help define your purpose but you.

We were all put here for a purpose; we were born to add value & meaning to life!

What did you want to be when you were 10 years old? Chase your dream, chase your goal, this is how you find purpose for your life.

Start a charity, go back to school, look at the occupation trades for a doctor, a nurse, a lawyer, a teacher, a pastor, a writer, start a blog, publish a book, open up a pet store, if you love animals, become a veterinarian. Do you love music, sing.

Find something you love to do and go for it, this is how you define purpose for your life!


Gigi King 12/26/2016






Thought For Today: I am so Depressed!

Pick yourself up, chase after your dreams whatever they maybe, go back to school, apply for that dream job, start that business, do what you intended to do

Dakota's Document Preparation

One of my followers asked me this question and this is how I responded?

Reader: I am so depressed, What should I do? How Do I cope?

Gigi: There is a saying we are our own worst enemy, guest what, it’s true, we are our worst critic, and our own worst enemy, and we are so hard on ourselves.

We continue day in and day out to second guess ourselves when we are going after something, We live in regret and more negative feelings pour into us; this causes more stress and we walk around genuinely pissed off at the world.

We are really pissed with ourselves because of missed opportunities; the worst pain in the world is the pain of regret. Pray Psalm 31 The Lord is a Fortress in Adversity, Pray Psalm 43: Prayer to God in Time of Trouble & Pray Psalm 69: An Urgent Plea for…

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Thought For Today: I am so Depressed!

One of my followers asked me this question and this is how I responded?

Reader: I am so depressed, What should I do? How Do I cope?

Gigi: There is a saying we are our own worst enemy, guest what, it’s true, we are our worst critic, and our own worst enemy, and we are so hard on ourselves.

We continue day in and day out to second guess ourselves when we are going after something, We live in regret and more negative feelings pour into us; this causes more stress and we walk around genuinely pissed off at the world.

We are really pissed with ourselves because of missed opportunities; the worst pain in the world is the pain of regret. Pray Psalm 31 The Lord is a Fortress in Adversity, Pray Psalm 43: Prayer to God in Time of Trouble & Pray Psalm 69: An Urgent Plea for Help in Trouble.

Go for it, pick yourself up, chase after your dreams whatever they maybe, go back to school, apply for that dream job, start that business, do what you intended to do, you will feel so much better. Keep going on, you can do it! You are beautiful, you are great!

E-mail me your questions:, so I can answer your thought of the day!


Gigi King 12/26/2016

How To Become Unstoppable

Unstoppable comes with having strength, being strong enough to see it through to the end.

Dakota's Document Preparation

You must have confidence in your abilities!

Believe in yourself, let nothing keep you from achieving your goals, know that people will intentionally try to break you down, prevent you from moving forward because they are jealous, they see something in you, you don’t see in yourself.

When I start something it becomes my daily goal to complete it, it does not matter how long it takes me to complete the goal, as long as I finish. Be a finisher, finish something.

Be practical when setting goals, sometimes we can aim too low & we can aim too high, don’t settle, set the mark somewhere in the middle, that way you know that it is practical to achieve that goal.

Go higher & higher, be better than you was yesterday, do more than you did yesterday!

Wake up every morning with so much joy in your heart by being grateful…

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