Essential Oils-Improve Mind, Body & Spirit today!

Essential oils have changed my life, this past month, the benefits are amazing. I have energy, I am more focused, in less pain & I sleep better at night. I wake up happy and refreshed!

Dakota's Document Preparation

Omg, I have been researching how live a healthier life, organic living or something close to that because I love my meat but I want to keep a healthy weight, avoid sugar by using vegetable glycerin as a sweetener, taking cinnamon oil for weight loss and drinking more chamomile, honey-vanilla green tea for energy that truly lasts all day.

I came essential oils and they have changed my life this past month and the benefits are amazing, I see there are YouTube videos and websites all over the web, I’m telling you, I feel like I have entered the age of enlightenment. The benefits of using essentials oils, are incredible, I ordered some from or and I feel so much better, I have more energy, I am more focused, I am in less pain, I sleep better at night, no more morning grouchiness! I am making my own…

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Essential Oils-Improve Mind, Body & Spirit today!

Omg, I have been researching how live a healthier life, organic living or something close to that because I love my meat but I want to keep a healthy weight, avoid sugar by using vegetable glycerin as a sweetener, taking cinnamon oil for weight loss and drinking more chamomile, honey-vanilla green tea for energy that truly lasts all day.

I came into essential oils and they have changed my life this past month and the benefits are amazing, I see there are YouTube videos and websites all over the web, I’m telling you, I feel like I have entered the age of enlightenment. The benefits of using essentials oils, are incredible, I ordered some from or and I feel so much better, I have more energy, I am more focused, I am in less pain, I sleep better at night, no more morning grouchiness! I am making my own body butters & soaps, using essential oils, here are some of the best essentials I think every person should have.

I recommend everyone buy a diffuser, put it beside your bed and have one at the office, I am telling you, and this information will change your life. You will not have to use medication as much. The healing properties are amazing, all natural, 100% organic and safe for consumption.

I love how the oils absorb in the skin and feel amazing & they smell so good. Use only pure, organic oils, therapeutic grade that allows consumption when mixing with food or beverages, read labels carefully.

Essential Oils for an amazing night’s sleep:

I mix 4 drops of lavender oil, with coconut oil and I feel amazing when I wake up in the morning I feel so refreshed, Also great to put in your diffuser in your bedroom.

Lavender Oil: calms you down, get instant stress & anxiety relief just by breathing it in, helps you sleep better, it is soothing to the skin and puts you in a calm stable mood.

Essential Oils for Cancer: helps fight the cells that produce cancer:

Frankincense Oil: rub 2 or 3 drops inside the roof of your mouth and rub it on your skin and your body will absorb this powerful oil and reduce the cancer cells in the blood, colon & cervical. The oil is all natural and is safe for consumption.

Thyme Essential Oil: Great for reduction of breast cancer cells and hormone balance.

Sandalwood Oil: is great for reduction in skin cancer and internal cancer as well.

Essential Oil for Energy: Gives you an awesome boost:

Peppermint Oil: you can inhale it 3 times to give you an energy boost or mix 3 drops with coconut oil or lotion for a quick burst of energy.

Sweet Orange Oil: helps uplift the body & mind, promotes positive thoughts without fear or hesitation. Create comfortable, relaxed, natural feeling.

All the oils mentioned should be used with coconut oil, cocoa butter, aloe vera gel,  shea butter or jojoba oil because they are so powerful & concentrated, only two to three drops is necessary!

Essential Oil for Brain Health: Improve memory

Frankincense Oil: helps clear brain fog, helps you focus & stay on task.

Frankincense, I love how it has so many functions, it is the most versatile healing oil of them all, some even call it the most power oil in the world, and literally a dab will do it, I use two to three drops!

Vetiver Oil: Improves learning, when trying to concentrate & focus it will help you expand your mind & take in the information.

Essential Oil for Weight loss:

I personally have noticed inches off my waistline in the past few weeks by taking two capsules a day by mixing it with my chamomile green tea. Cinnamon Oil!

Essential Oil for Health:

Peppermint Oil: is natural for relieving you of constipation & diarrhea, bloating.

Flaxseed: Great for improving cardiovascular health & boosts immune system

Oregano Oil: helps boost immune system & when mixed with tea tree oil can also get rid of mold & odor in the house.

Rosemary, Tea Tree & Eucalyptus Oil mixed together in a ½ cup of water is a great room deodorizer. You can spray it or you can wipe down your walls or put in a diffuser in your living room. I love it!

Cinnamon Oil: balances out glucose if you have diabetes, 1 to 2 drops in your favorite beverage.

Frankincense Oil: also helps reduce inflammation in the joints, evens skin tone & scars.

Essential Oil for the Skin:

Geranium Oil helps fight skin problems

Rose Oil: helps heal cuts & bruises

Myrrh Oil: also helps with skin issues & healing to cuts & wounds

Jojoba Oil & Frankincense reduces scarring of the skin

Essential Oil for the Hair:

Rosemary Oil is great for thickening hair, stops hair loss & stimulates hair growth.

Sage Oil: helps balance hormones & estrogen, if your hormones & estrogen levels are too high this could cause hair loss!

I am not a doctor; this information is not intended to replace your current medication, this is based on personal experiences, each individual is different please consult your doctor before attempting to use any of the information contained in this article.


Gigi King 1/25/2017

Sources Cited




Flying Taxi Cab Services?!?! By 2028, Really!

I am so excited about the VTOL helicopter, but I have so many questions, I can foresee the dangers. How safe is the Vertical Take Off & Landing (VTOL)?

Dakota's Document Preparation

Yesss, we can officially roll like the Jetsons, I mean be fly like the Jetsons!

Sky-high, sky-high.

Uber Flying Car Service is unveiling the company’s flying cars to commuters; the unmanned aircraft will take off and drop people off at certain locations, the same as a regular taxi cab, in speed of up to 150 mph.

What! Finally we can fly to work and by pass rush hour traffic in the morning & in the afternoon.

This drone! This fabulous luxury, flying cab, the Vertical Take Off & Landing (VTOL) is it safe? 85% of accidents happen during the take off & landing process in airplanes.

I have 13 important questions:

  1. Now since this is a drone, how will the flying taxis keep from crashing into each other or crashing period?
  2. What if the drone crash unexpectedly or malfunctions?
  3. What if the drone drops people off at wrong locations?
  4. How…

View original post 186 more words

Flying Taxi Cab Services?!?! By 2028, Really!

Yesss, we can officially roll like the Jetsons, I mean be fly like the Jetsons!

Sky-high, sky-high.

Uber Flying Car Service is unveiling the company’s flying cars to commuters; the unmanned aircraft will take off and drop people off at certain locations, the same as a regular taxi cab, in speed of up to 150 mph.

What! Finally we can fly to work and by pass rush hour traffic in the morning & in the afternoon.

This drone! This fabulous luxury, flying cab, the Vertical Take Off & Landing (VTOL) is it safe? 85% of accidents happen during the take off & landing process in airplanes.

I have 13 important questions:

  1. Now since this is a drone, how will the flying taxis keep from crashing into each other or crashing period?
  2. What if the drone crash unexpectedly or malfunctions?
  3. What if the drone drops people off at wrong locations?
  4. How much does it costs per mile? I hope it’s not just a flying taxi for the rich, I really hope its cost effective, like a taxi.
  5. How far can a person travel from destination to destination?
  6. What if the drone gets a virus? It is a giant computer! Hackers are real.
  7. Will the drone have parachutes for emergencies?  And/or buttons to the call center or operators?
  8. Can the drone be flown by a pilot in case of emergencies?
  9. What if people leave packages & personal items on the drone can they be returned to the person, people leave packages all the time on buses, trains, taxi cabs all the time?
  10. What if a terrorist get on the drone & land at a popular location & blown shit up and kill people and the drone was used in the attack, can this be prevented?
  11. Will there be a no-fly list for certain people? If this treated like a taxi cab, anyone can travel with packages.
  12. Will there be security measures?
  13. Is this safe for the environment? With all this talk of global warming.



Gigi King 1/13/2016



Foods That Link To Cancer

For once on the side of a bottle of soda, chips or candy bar, I will like to see the side effects!

Dakota's Document Preparation

  1. Canned tomatoes, they are dangerous because they are high in acid and the BPA (Bisphenol-A) in the lining of the can rubs against the tomatoes, this is why canned tomatoes have that bitter can taste.
  2. Popcorn, I love popcorn when I saw this on the list, I was surprised, it actually causes testicular and pancreatic cancer because the bags are lined with a carcinogenic chemical which creates the artificial butter taste, called Perflurooctanoic acid (PFOA).
  3. Potato Chip, my 11 year old son loves Lays, Frito & just about every chip on the chip isle he loves to try especially the new ones with the bold flavors, not only are potato chips high in trans fat, sodium, very addictive and cause weight gain, they also loaded with artificial colors, flavors and preservatives that are carcinogenic called Acrymalide.
  4. Aspartame is found in artificial sweeteners have been linked to cataracts, weight gain, diabetes…

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