Waldo’s Dream

How I felt after talking to my best friend Waldemar Rojas (Waldo), we have been talking daily, all week long, Waldo is such an inspiration to me, I love my friend so very much I had to blog about it.

Waldemar is setting up his own empire, Success Over Money Entertainment, LLC, he is working on his music as an artist writing songs, getting them copyrighted, published and trademarked in addition to, publishing his own movie scripts. Walt Disney inspired him, I asked him, Waldo, how does Walt Disney inspire you, he said, everybody thought he was crazy, Walt Disney went through the struggle of fitting in, but he believed in himself, and a lot of people doubted him for his struggles.

Walt Disney’s first movie was the original Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs; he ran out of money to hire more voice of over actors so he himself became a character, upon the release of his first animated film, Walt Disney made $5.5 million dollars that year and he won an academy award, all the people that doubted him, came rushing at him with offers to be a producer, animator and director, Walt Disney, told them no, I am publishing my own works, I did it on my own and I am keeping it that way. That is amazing and hilarious at the same time; Walt Disney is the most well-known, prestigious & respected billion dollar corporation in the world. Walt owns his own animations, animatrix machine and voice animation scripts. Look at God, won’t he do it!

Waldo has a similar vision, my best wants to grow and expand his own empire from music, to film to animation and he wants to build his own theme park, whether or not people believes in him, go best friend go, you are worthy, you deserve the best in life, keep going. I believe in my heart you will build your multi-billion dollar corporation, SOM, Success Over Money Entertainment, LLC is your reality, God see it, God grew it! Right now, Waldo is producing his own Latino music, and performing concerts all over the city, branch into movies, and sell his music as a songwriter, right from his laptop.


Yes are struggling right now as a singer, songwriter, movie script writer, music producer & animation creator, but Waldo says, everybody that is doubting him will work for him, hahahaha, like, Walt Disney, they will come to Waldo saying, I heard you are paying well, I said Waldo what will you say to your haters, he said, I will ask them, “are you willing to climb the ladder? Are you going to work hard? I need highly motivated people on my team, show me you can be successful and a make an unlimited amount of income working for me, show me you are worth the salary you requesting.

Waldo said, I want them to be ambitious, work together as a team. Google has a gym, a sleeping room for employees to take a nap, a salad bar, a regular bar, free Starbucks and they get one week paid vacations monthly. This is a model of business to follow, Waldo, I agree with you 100%, you are a very wise man; Google pays employees what they are worth.

Waldo told me, be willing to work with your employees skills, build them up and make them successful, build them up to their fullest potential, believe in their skills, take time to know your employees Gigi, even if they are the janitor. I tell my friend, you are a true motivator & an inspiration to your followers, I respect you for this, and I love your beautiful mind.

Waldo wants to buy a house, a modest one, buy some land, and an in-home recording studio, and of course eat the best food, sushi, filet mignon, and caviar, champagne but lives a modest life and travel world and live on a modest salary from his SOM Entertainment, LLC empire.

Waldo wants to build up the community, build up his team that works around him, and motivate his employees often.

Waldo is building a multi-billion dollar franchise of music studios with his franchise license all of this is in his business model.

It is an honor, to know you, to have you as a friend, to witness your story from the bottom to the top, from struggle to success. SOM Entertainment, LLC!

It is sad, you own father & family members doubted you, telling you, you are a worthless, lazy, piece of shit, because you were 260lbs, but you got on your bike, kept riding, looking for a job, looking for ways to prove them wrong.

I am that determined, I am that ambitious, to prove people wrong.”-Waldemar Rojas.

Waldo, you are amazing, Thank you for telling me I am strong, I am independent, talented, driven and intelligent, you are indeed a good friend, you make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, continue on your journey of success, I am very proud of you, keep going higher. May God continue to bless & keep you! Keep fighting.

Your Friend,

Your Author,

Gigi King 6/27/2017




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