Dakota’s Document Preparation Services

Dakota’s Document Preparation & Consulting Services has been serving clients and small business since 2010. We specializing in: divorces, name changes, notary, child support, modification of child support, restoration of civil rights, seal/expunge, Wills, and power of attorney. Low -Cost Legal Documents, If You Are Tired of Having your Past Follow You Around, Feeling Ashamed Your Past Mistakes & Choices Give Us A Call, Change Your Life Today, We Want To Help You Get Out Of Your Past & Move Forward In Your Future!


Gigi King 8/28/2017

Why Are You Here? Why Are You Still Alive? Why Are You Living?

Keep Calm and Stop Being A Hater!

Dakota's Document Preparation

Why are you indecisive, you know what you need to do but you are not using your gifts, you have two arms, two legs, two ears and one voice, we all have a gift that we were blessed with from the creator and you are not using them because you are making excuses about why you are not using them, I don’t have enough money, I don’t have enough help, people will laugh at me, nobody believes, I am afraid I will fail, I have too many kids, I don’t know enough yet, I am too old, I am too young, I am too fat, I am too skinny.

Stop! Stop making excuses; the greatest feeling in the world is not failure, it’s regret, you missed your moment to shine and you did not start your new project, you did not start fulfilling your dreams, your goals, your mission in…

View original post 115 more words

Why Are You Here? Why Are You Still Alive? Why Are You Living?

Why are you indecisive, you know what you need to do but you are not using your gifts, you have two arms, two legs, two ears and one voice, we all have a gift that we were blessed with from the creator and you are not using them because you are making excuses about why you are not using them, I don’t have enough money, I don’t have enough help, people will laugh at me, nobody believes, I am afraid I will fail, I have too many kids, I don’t know enough yet, I am too old, I am too young, I am too fat, I am too skinny.

Stop! Stop making excuses; the greatest feeling in the world is not failure, it’s regret, you missed your moment to shine and you did not start your new project, you did not start fulfilling your dreams, your goals, your mission in life. God placed a gift on the inside of you.

Why are you here? Why are you still alive? Why are you living? What is your purpose?

People are mad, angry, making other people miserable because what they are doing is a reflection of your nothingness, people get jealous of people that are working, moving, growing, staying busy because they did not step out on faith and live their life, stop being jealous, stop being a hater of other people’s lifestyle, stop making other people miserable and just do it, stop being jealous of other people’s success! Stop being a hater and take action.

Keep Calm and Stop Being A Hater!


Gigi King 8/10/2017


North Korea And The United States

Gentlemen, putting money and egos aside; think about the future, traditions, values, unborn children and economic stability that can be preserved

Dakota's Document Preparation

Gigi’s Non-Political View

I hope President of North Korea and President Donald Trump can reach a consensus this week in regards to the economy, family, traditions that can be preserved on both sides in hopes of the future!

The future of unborn children, college graduates working for large companies that produce the world’s finest technology and inventions for the economy; North Korea has great infrastructure that holds value to the preservation of the Korean way of life.

The United Sates holds the same keys to preserving the future of the American people, the American way of life!

Firing those nuclear weapons would destroy the future and the integrity therein.

There lies hope in life of unborn children, economic stability, traditions, children and infants in hospitals, once the nuclear weapons are fired all of this goes up in smoke and all will be left on both sides is death, famine, radioactive…

View original post 269 more words

North Korea And The United States

Gigi’s Non-Political View

I hope President of North Korea and President Donald Trump can reach a consensus this week in regards to the economy, family, traditions that can be preserved on both sides in hopes of the future!

The future of unborn children, college graduates working for large companies that produce the world’s finest technology and inventions for the economy; North Korea has great infrastructure that holds value to the preservation of the Korean way of life.

The United Sates holds the same keys to preserving the future of the American people, the American way of life!

Firing those nuclear weapons would destroy the future and the integrity therein.

There lies hope in life of unborn children, economic stability, traditions, children and infants in hospitals, once the nuclear weapons are fired all of this goes up in smoke and all will be left on both sides is death, famine, radioactive destruction once the dust is settle, and immediate recession!

Those that will survive this holocaust, if any, would remain broken, sad, and lost.

Loss of children, loss of spouse, loss of hope, loss of economic stability, loss of faith, loss of government integrity both countries will lose if this escalates!

It is my sincerest hope that the two diplomats can negotiate e the terms of the UN sanctions and ask North Korea just what are they willing to sacrifice, give up, in exchange for freedom, life and economic stability.

Maybe if North Korea is willing to give up their nukes and keep their military fully armed to protect themselves just in case there is a new enemy on the horizon.

A lion will never surrender his teeth and claws, to appear less dangerous! So North Korea should not be forced to surrender the entire military; just the nukes.

Lions don’t fight with nukes, they fight with brains, and there lies their strength!

I don’t know what caused North Korea to make death threats at the United States and I am very surprised by our President Donald Trump who returned with harsh words which typically stir up anger in an enemy but nothing is beneath him!

Gentlemen, putting money and egos aside; think about the future, traditions, values, unborn children, economic stability, that can be preserved if you are willing to negotiate with The United States, China and Russia.

Listening is apart wisdom! Talk less, listen more, creates an open mind!

At Last, I pray there can be a peaceful solution. To God Be The Glory!


Gigi King 8/9/2017