Friday’s Morning Espresso Know Your Worth! 7 Steps To Success.

When you value your dreams and goals others will too, when you put your all into your dreams and goals they will sustain you, they will feed you if you believe in them.

When value yourself, other people will find value in you, people will know your worth because you tell them, you show it and other people can see it. Whatever it is you are chasing after have faith.

Step1: Have the faith you can achieve your goals, get up every morning and be grateful for what you have accomplished.

Step2: Write out a business plan in regards to the objectives of your business.

Step3: Write an agenda list, a list of things you must do each day to conquer the tasks you set out to achieve, no matter how long it takes to complete that goal keep trying.

Step4: Advertise and Promote what it is you are trying to do.

Step5: Believe it is already yours. Believe in Yourself!

Step6: Put together a mastermind group, people you know, like and trusts to share your ideas with, people that want to see you succeed, people that are helping you.

Step7: Create It. Do What You Set Out To Achieve! Put Your Plan In Action.


Gigi King 8/4/2017



When you value your dreams and goals others will too, when you put your all into your dreams and goals they will sustain you, they will feed you if you believe in them.

When value yourself, other people will find value in you, people will know your worth because you tell them, you show it and other people can see it. Whatever it is you are chasing after have faith.

Step1: Have the faith you can achieve your goals, get up every morning and be grateful for what you have accomplished.

Step2: Write out a business plan in regards to the objectives of your business.

Step3: Write an agenda list, a list of things you must do each day to conquer the tasks you set out to achieve, no matter how long it takes to complete that goal keep trying.

Step4: Advertise and Promote what it is you are trying to do.

Step5: Believe it is already yours. Believe in Yourself!

Step6: Put together a mastermind group, people you know, like and trusts to share your ideas with, people that want to see you succeed, people that are helping you.

Step7: Create It. Do What You Set Out To Achieve! Put Your Plan In Action.


Gigi King 8/4/2017