Black Wall Street

Know The Story! Know Suzanne Shank.

Dakota's Document Preparation

Black Wall Street: Begin with the race riot of 1921 that destroyed Black Wall Street in Greenwood, Tulsa in Oklahoma; destroying the once thriving African-American Greenwood community by white residents, members of the KKK, white politicians and white business leaders.

Many African Americans moved to Greenwood prior to 1907 to escape slavery and racism, Oklahoma offered hope and provided all people with a chance to start over, African Americans traveled to Oklahoma on foot, wagons, and horses and on trains.

Greenwood was home to about 10,000 Black residents, on Greenwood Street, Greenwood Avenue ran North over a mile from Frisco Railroad yards and did not cross over into White Neighborhoods of Greenwood Avenue, creating segregation, which prevented blacks from shopping in white neighborhoods.

Many redbrick buildings were occupied by black business owners such as: banks, grocery stores, pharmacies, libraries, doctors, lawyers, realtors, hair salons, movie theaters, post offices, hospitals, private…

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Black Wall Street

Black Wall Street: Begin with the race riot of 1921 that destroyed Black Wall Street in Greenwood, Tulsa in Oklahoma; destroying the once thriving African-American Greenwood community by white residents, members of the KKK, white politicians and white business leaders.

Many African Americans moved to Greenwood prior to 1907 to escape slavery and racism, Oklahoma offered hope and provided all people with a chance to start over, African Americans traveled to Oklahoma on foot, wagons, and horses and on trains.

Greenwood was home to about 10,000 Black residents, on Greenwood Street, Greenwood Avenue ran North over a mile from Frisco Railroad yards and did not cross over into White Neighborhoods of Greenwood Avenue, creating segregation, which prevented blacks from shopping in white neighborhoods.

Many redbrick buildings were occupied by black business owners such as: banks, grocery stores, pharmacies, libraries, doctors, lawyers, realtors, hair salons, movie theaters, post offices, hospitals, private airports, restaurants, hotels, barbershops, churches, and other black business professionals. Mocked by white residents of Tulsa as Negro Wall Street, Black Wall Street and Little Africa!

Black Wall Street was very successful during the oil boom of the 1910’s.

The Tulsa Riot of 1921—May 31 to June1 was the worst riot in history that destroyed every black business on Greenwood Avenue for 35 square blocks.

The riot was started because Sarah Page a 17 year old white female elevator operator alleged that a 19 year old black man Dick Rowland, a shoe shiner, assaulted her. Angry white mobs including the KKK which had 3,200 members, policeman dropped firebombs on buildings, homes and fleeing black residents.

This riot killed 300 African Americans, destroyed 600 businesses and left 10,000 African Americans homeless within 12 hours.

This was one of the most devastating massacres in African American history; completely destroying the once thriving Greenwood community aka Black Wall Street!

Know The Story of Suzanne Shank! The $2 Trillion dollar business woman, She is the C0-founder of Siebert Brandford and Shank one of the most powerful Hedge Funds in the world, Suzanne Shank is the most powerful Black Woman On Wall Street!


Gigi King 9/23/2017