Who Is Dakota?

The Greatest Man That Ever Lived.

Dakota lived his life in boldness and strength, what he gave attention to, grew.

What he gave time to flourished, even in his absence. Who he loved fed him and gave love back to him. What he believed in, he invested time & energy; What he wanted, he protected, nourished and he appreciated it.

Dakota walked in integrity, always held his head high, his attitude projected strength and courage, and he demanded respect. He was loyal to his friends and they were loyal to him. Dakota was a very intelligent and hardworking man.

He was never lazy, he was fully retired at the age 65, he was dedicated to raising his only daughter.

I’m proud of my father, I love and respect him very much, I admire his personality and his intelligence. I’m honored to acknowledge him as my dad, cherished and protected by him.

That’s why he is the greatest man that ever lived, because I know for sure I was loved.

I believe my father is my guardian angel that watches over me, because that is what he did since the day I was born. This is when joy/grief intertwines, he died so he could guide me through bad times in my life from heaven, as my guardian angel.

My father lived a life of purpose: “To Be A Good Father” and raise a strong and intelligent daughter. He dedicated his life to his work and raise me his only daughter (me).

Every time I think about my father’s love and devotion to being a good parent it makes me handle my son with care. 

I work hard every day, I am so glad I inherited my father’s work ethic. I am stronger, I am focused and dedicated to my business. Shortly after my father’s death my heart was broken and I was depressed.  

Today I use his death as fuel to carry on, and since 2010; I pay homage to my father by naming my business after him!

This is why death has no victory, my father spirit lives in me; and through the continuation of my business Dakota’s Document Preparation Services.

My father was Born: March 22, 1935 and Died: February 28, 2004.


Gigi King 9/28/2018



Dad and Me
Cowboy Outside
Up Close
Dad Full Smile

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