Black Panther Party

We are not anti-white, we anti-oppression!

On October 15, 1966, in Oakland California, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. The Panthers practiced militant self-defense of minority communities against the U.S. government, and fought to establish revolutionary socialism through mass organizing and community based programs. The Black Panthers would patrol black neighborhoods and protect black citizens from police brutality.

The Black Panther Party, founded in 1966 by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, was based on ideas such as Black Nationalism and a staunch belief in the necessity of violence and armed self-defense in order to obtain freedom from white oppression – ideas which are strongly associated with Malcolm X’s life work.

Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton met at San Francisco School in California and met Bobby Seale at Merritt College in Oakland.

In the 1960’s at the peak of its movement the Black Panther party membership had exceeded 2,000 members with chapters in several major cities. Newton chose the name Black Panther because it does not strike first but if the aggressor strikes first then he’ll attack.

The chapter was formed because of the assassination Malcolm X and fought to set itself apart from other groups being formed at that time and pointed out that other African-Americans exploited the poverty, poor living conditions, and mistreatment of poor blacks for personal gain.

The Black Panthers beliefs are pretty much the same, these included the beliefs: that black people are the original people of the world, wanted blacks to set up their own schools, churches, and support networks. Encouraging race pride, black power and Black Nationalism, thus this built up the self-esteem, integrity and a strong mental mindset in the black race, have a strong sense of black pride and culture awareness.

In 1969, Director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover considered the Black Panther party the greatest threat to national security and considered an enemy of the United States.

The Black Panther Party grew from an Oakland-based organization into an international one with chapters in 48 states in North America and support groups in Japan, China, France, England, Germany, Sweden, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Uruguay.

In 1971 Newton announced that the party would adopt a nonviolent initiative and dedicate itself to providing social services to the black community.

The Black Panthers launched 35 survival programs included free breakfast for school children in every city there was a chapter in January 1969. They also gave free shoes, provided education classes, medical clinics and transportation assistance.

Huey P. Newton received a PhD in social philosophy from the University of California in Santa Cruz in 1980.

The Black Panther operations ceased in 1982, due to government pressure, in 1982 Newton was guilty of misappropriating of public funds from his Black Panther organization and was sentenced to six months in jail, the funds were suppose to go towards building a school in Oakland, California. In August Newton was found shot dead on a street in Oakland.

I personally think the government assassinated him or the crooked police because the Black Panthers had so much trouble with the FBI which at that time in the 1960’s was racist and openly admitted the Black Panthers was an enemy of the state, even when they were doing good. During the peak of the civil rights movement of the 1960’s little value was placed on African-American lives when little value is placed on others  perpetrators see no wrong in seeking to control or destroy.

Huey Percy Newton was born February 17, 1942 and died August 22, 1989 (age 42).

Bobby Seale was born Robert Seale was born October 22, 1936 was also a U.S. Air force veteran, he enrolled at Merritt College. Bobby Seale renounced his violence in 1970 and ran for mayor of Oakland in 1973 he came in second place. He worked to improve social services in black neighborhoods and improve the environment.

Seale published several books and several programs to improve Oakland. Civil Rights Activist, Air force Veteran, published author, Politician, founder and chairman of the Black Panther party, and public speaker. He is 81 years old and is still alive today selling his books, posters and speaking engagements talking about the 49 chapters of the Black Panther chapters that were established throughout the United States.


Gigi King 2/26/2018

Sources Cited


4 thoughts on “Black Panther Party

  1. Dakota's Document Preparation Services, LLC says:

    Entrepreneurship is booming in the African American community more than ever in this country! We have certainly proved ourselves as a valuable asset! 
    Learning a trade or getting a degree is more powerful than a gun! Your mind is your greatest weapon.

    A Black Woman/Black Man With A Business Is A Dangerous As A Loaded Weapon, Because This Makes Us A Valuable Asset. -Gigi King​

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