National Day of Cameroon

We Are Rich:
Cameroon GDP (PPP) is $101.950 Billion and
Cameroon GDP (Nominal) is $44.893 Billion as of 2021.
Total GDP (PPP) of Africa: $8.05 Trillion as of 2022
Total GDP (Nominal) of Africa: $2.96 Trillion of 2022

Dakota's Document Preparation

Present Day Map of Cameroon

Flag of Cameroon 1984-Present Day

National Anthem of Cameroon Ô Cameroun berceau de nos ancetres” (French)

Former President: Ahmadou Ahidjo 1960-1982

The Current President is Paul Biyah 1982-Present Day

The capital is: Yaoundé

National Currency is the CFA Franc (XAF);

Total GDP (PPP) of Cameroon: $101.950 Billion as of 2021

Total GDP (Nominal) of Cameroon: $44.893 Billion as of 2021

Total GDP (PPP) of Africa: $8.05 Trillion as of 2022   

Total GDP (Nominal) of Africa: $2.96 Trillion of 2022

May 20th is National Day in Cameroon and flag is raised in the Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon. On May 20, 1972 Cameroonians voted for a unitary state. So President Ahidjo abolished the federal system of government. During this day there is singing, marches and parades all over various cities of Cameroon.

Unitary State is the central government is the supreme authority can…

View original post 987 more words

National Day of Cameroon

Present Day Map of Cameroon
Flag of Cameroon 1984-Present Day

National Anthem of Cameroon Ô Cameroun berceau de nos ancetres” (French)

Former President: Ahmadou Ahidjo 1960-1982

The Current President is Paul Biyah 1982-Present Day

The capital is: Yaoundé

National Currency is the CFA Franc (XAF);

Total GDP (PPP) of Cameroon: $101.950 Billion as of 2021

Total GDP (Nominal) of Cameroon: $44.893 Billion as of 2021

Total GDP (PPP) of Africa: $8.05 Trillion as of 2022   

Total GDP (Nominal) of Africa: $2.96 Trillion of 2022

May 20th is National Day in Cameroon and flag is raised in the Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon. On May 20, 1972 Cameroonians voted for a unitary state. So President Ahidjo abolished the federal system of government. During this day there is singing, marches and parades all over various cities of Cameroon.

Unitary State is the central government is the supreme authority can decide their own laws and create and abolish administrative agencies. The central government maintains national security, exercise international diplomacy, and sign binding treaties.

The Federal System Government (Self-Governing) can revoke a simple change in the law. This the government at the state level exercising power over the whole country. Which was limited by the 10th & 11th Amendment and the Bill of Rights However, the 14th Amendment gave the federal government authority over the States.

The Mandara Kingdom existed from 15th Century AD -19th Century AD also known as the Wandala Kingdom. Portuguese explorers reached the coat in the 15th century or 1472 and named the area Rio dos Cameroon (Shrimp River), which became Cameroon in English.

The 1st flag of Cameroon 1884-1916 was adopted when the German empire colonized the area and named it Kamerun until 1911.

The Woermann Company of Hamburg built a warehouse on the Wouri River, shortly thereafter made a treaty with one of the local kings to annex the region for the German emperor. Then the German empire claimed the territory as the colony of Kamerun.

Due to greed; this started the Scramble For Africa known as the Berlin Conference in 1884. Seven European countries invaded Africa for natural resources!

The Germans ran into resistance with the native people who did not want the Germans to establish themselves on this land. They used forced labor of the Africans to make profit on plantations such as: Bananas, cocoa plantations, palm oil and rubber. French & British force Germans to leave Cameroon ending World War I.  

In 1919 The League of Nations/United Nations divides Cameroon into French Camrouns and British Cameroons. In 1955 British Cameroons has decided whether to be part of Nigeria of French Camroun, thereby changing the name again. 1958 French Cameroon First Prime Minister Ahmadou Ahidjo and in 1960 French Cameroon Gained Independence and becomes Republic of Cameroon and Ahmadou Ahidjo becomes the First President and retire in 1982 after President Paul Biyah accuses Ahidjo of masterminding a coup.   

  • For 77 years, Cameroon was controlled by three European powers before becoming fully independent in 1960. In 1884, 1st Germany invaded Cameroon during the Scramble for Africa; where 7 European countries dominant most of the continent of Africa.
  • All citizens hope to see positive changes in Cameroon such as a higher standard of living, a decrease in political corruption, greater economic development and improvement on human rights.  

After World War I, the United Nations mandated the territory be divided into the French Cameroons and British Cameroons because Germany’s harsh practices of making the people work against their will. 

  • January 1st of 1960 French Camroun gained independence from France.  
  • October 1, 1961 Southern British Cameroons gained independence from the British and join the French Camrouns to become Federal Republic of Cameroon which now current.
  • On May 20, 1972 Cameroonians voted for a unitary state. So President Ahidjo abolished the federal system of government.

 26 million people live in the country as of 2020 census and over 250 languages are spoken in the country. However, the primary languages spoken are English and French.

Football (Soccer) in Cameroon is the National Sport since 1982 and 1990 FIFA World Cups. And In November-December of 2016, Cameroon was the host country of the Women Africa Cup of Nations.

Pre-colonial citizens of the country farm and raised cattle, as common throughout Africa, storytelling—the passing down of folklore and tradition—is a key way of keeping the Cameroonian culture alive. The Fulani people are best-known for their proverbs, riddles, poetry, and legends.

Throughout the entire continent of Africa the native people were productive in pottery, metalwork, sculpture (wood, clay and other natural materials), architecture, textile art, painting and decorative metal figurines, basket weaving, bead-working, ceramics, embroidery and leather working. Masks were worn for ceremonies or rituals and very peaceful in the traditional African religion.

Dance and music promoted social gatherings, celebrating special events, major life milestones and storytelling. The dances were a form of entertainment and religious expression such as clapping of the hands and stomping of the feet. Instruments are used such as: bells, scrapers, rattles, horns, flutes, whistles, string instruments, clappers and drums.  African architecture in areas has been influenced by external culture for centuries and is the source for many large buildings in major large cities.

 The Ewondo and Douala peoples are revered for their literature and theater. In ceremonies commemorating dead ancestors, the Bali people use masks representing elephant heads, while the Bamileke use carved statuettes of humans and animals.

The Ngoutou people are famous for two-faced masks, as are the Tikar people (my tribe) for their ornately decorated brass smoking pipes. Potteries, sculptures, quilts, elaborate clothing and bronze sculptures.

Cameroon is rich in natural resources such as:

  1. Petroleum
  2. Tea
  3. Coffee
  4. Abundance of giant shrimp
  5. Gold
  6. Ivory
  7. Cotton
  8. Rubber
  9. Bananas
  10. Timber
  11. Diamonds
  12. Tin

Our country Cameroon uses the CFA Franc as currency along with 14 other African countries uses the CFA Franc such as:  

  1. Republic of Cameroon
  2. Republic of Senegal
  3. Togolese Republic
  4. Central African Republic
  5. Republic of Chad
  6. Republic of Equatorial Guinea: ’85-Present Day
  7. People’s Republic of the Congo: ’69-Present Day
  8. Burkina Faso
  9. Republic of Mali
  10. Republic of  Benin
  11. Republic of Ivory Coast
  12. Republic of the Congo
  13. Republic of Niger
  14. Republic of Guinea-Bissau

1st flag of Cameroon 1884-1916 was adopted when the German empire colonized the area.

1884-1916 Reichs-Eagle and the head of the elephant
1st colors and name of the country Cameroon (Kamerun) under German colonial power.
Head of the Elephant
1st flag of Cameroon 1884-1916 was adopted when the German empire colonized the area. This flag underwent many structural changes and colors as the Three European nations invaded and colonized the State of Cameroon thus the beginning of the Berlin Conference of 1884 which regulated European colonization and trade in Africa.


Gigi King 5/23/22

Sources Cited

The African Creation Story

This is the Story of the 1st Black Virgin Mary, The African Creation Story.

Dakota's Document Preparation

MA’AT is the daughter of the Sun God Ra whom is also known as (Atum) or pronounced as (Adam); she was created when he rose from the waters of Nun. Ma’at was married to Thoth God of Wisdom; whom was born from lips of Ra at the beginning of African Creation. (Ra also known (Atum)/Adam) also gave birth to Shu-the God of air and peace, Tefnut-the Goddess of moisture. The brother and sister of MA’AT.

Tefnut-Goddess of Moisture married her twin brother Shu-God of Air & Peace and gave birth to NUT-the Sky Goddess and Geb-God of the Earth. They married and  later on NUT gave birth to Osiris-which is known as the resurrected Asar (Osiris)(Light & Order), Isis better known as Aset-also known as the Easter goddess of life, fertility, 1st Black Virgin…

View original post 336 more words

The African Creation Story

MA’AT is the daughter of the Sun God Ra whom is also known as (Atum) or pronounced as (Adam); she was created when he rose from the waters of Nun. Ma’at was married to Thoth God of Wisdom; whom was born from lips of Ra at the beginning of African Creation. (Ra also known (Atum)/Adam) also gave birth to Shu-the God of air and peace, Tefnut-the Goddess of moisture. The brother and sister of MA’AT.

Tefnut-Goddess of Moisture married her twin brother Shu-God of Air & Peace and gave birth to NUT-the Sky Goddess and Geb-God of the Earth. They married and  later on NUT gave birth to Osiris-which is known as the resurrected Asar (Osiris)(Light & Order), Isis better known as Aset-also known as the Easter goddess of life, fertility, 1st Black Virgin Mary, the wife of Osiris that gave birth through immaculate conception to a son known as Horus (Herus) also depicted as (Jesus) God of Sun & Sky. Nepthys (Nebt-Het) wife of Set and the sister of Isis. They also had a brother Set-known as the God of corruption, disorder, violence, a trickster (Darkness & Chaos).   

Aset and Osiris were deeply in-love, their brother Set became jealous of their love and seek to overthrow his kingdom and marry his wife. Set then murders Osiris which is depicted as the story of Cane and Able. Set chopped his brother’s body into pieces and scatters them around Africa in fear of his return. Isis (Aset) flees for her life and searches for the missing pieces of her beloved husband and puts them together, (without his male genitals) which is the first human mummy.

Along with her sister Neb-Het, they anoint her husband body with oils and pray and mourn to him because he was murdered before they had any children. While Aset (Isis) is mourning her husband; Asar (Osiris) spirit returns and plants a seed in her womb their impregnating her through immaculate conception; thus she giving birth to Horus (Herus) the son born of a virgin with a gold light over his head because he was born a King also known as (Jesus) and later on defeated his uncle Set in battle for the Kingdom and became King.

So The African Creation Story started with 9 Orishas-Gods/Goddess which are:

  1. Ra/Atum(Atom)(Adam) 1st Man
  2. Asar(Osiris) God of Renewal (associated with Spring/Resurrection)  
  3. Aset (Iris)(1st Virgin Mary)(Easter, Fertility, Spring Equinox, Life)
  4. Shu (God of Air)
  5. Set(Corruption, Disorder, Violence and Trickster)(Darkness & Chaos)
  6. Nebt-Het (Wife of Set)(Goddess of the dead) helped her Isis (Aset) anoint the body of Asar (Osiris).
  7. Tefnut (Goddess of Moisture)
  8. Ma’at (the eldest- known as the Goddess of truth, justice, harmony, order, spiritual justice, balance.
  9. Horus (Herus) the son born of a virgin (Jesus)


Gigi King 5/21/22

Sources Cited

42 Laws of MA’AT

Black African Goddess MA’AT is The Egyptian Goddess which means truth, justice, harmony, order, reciprocity, morality and balance. We are expected  to act with honor and truth  in matters that involve family, Community, Nation, Environment & Spiritually.

Dakota's Document Preparation

Black African Goddess MA’AT is The Egyptian Goddess which means truth, justice, harmony, order, reciprocity, morality and balance. We are expected to act with honor and truth in matters that involve family, the community, the nation , the environment and spiritually.

  1. Honor Virtue (Have Morales & Respect)
  2. I Benefit With Gratitude (Return Kindness)
  3. I am Peaceful (I have not hurt or attacked anyone).
  4. I Respect The Property of Others (Have not stolen anything or caused damaged or lost).
  5. All Life Is Sacred (Everyone is connected to God) (I did not kill anyone).
  6. I Give Offerings That Are Genuine (I have not withheld any money or offerings)
  7. I Live In Truth ( I have told any lies)
  8. I Regard All Altars With Respect (Never Disrupt the Ancestor Altar or Offend the God/Goddess)
  9. I Speak With Sincerity (Don’t be Fake or Phony)(Let Your Intentions Be Genuine)
  10. I Consume Only My Fair Share…

View original post 411 more words

42 Laws of MA’AT

Black African Goddess MA’AT is The Egyptian Goddess which means truth, justice, harmony, order, reciprocity, morality and balance. We are expected  to act with honor and truth  in matters that involve family, the community, the nation , the environment and  spiritually.  

MA’AT is the daughter of the Sun God Ra whom is also known as (Atum) or pronounced as (Adam); she was created when he rose from the waters of Nun. Ma’at was married to Thoth God of Wisdom; whom was born from lips of Ra at the beginning of African Creation. (Ra also known (Atum)/Adam) also gave birth to Shu-the God of air and peace, Tefnut-the Goddess of moisture. The brother and sister of MA’AT.

The heart is weighed in the balance of the scales of justice against the feather of Ma’at Goddess of Truth and Harmonious balance. If the deceased person’s heart is lighter than the feather they were admitted to the eternal life in the Field of Reeds (Eternal Springtime). If the deceased person’s heart was found heavier than the feather, it was thrown to the floor where is was eaten by Ammut; which is part lion,hippopotamus & part crocodile and the Soul of the person would cease to exist.

  1. Honor Virtue (Have Morales & Respect)
  2. I Benefit With Gratitude (Return Kindness)
  3. I am Peaceful (I have not hurt or attacked anyone).
  4. I Respect The Property of Others (Have not stolen anything or caused damaged or lost).
  5. All Life Is Sacred (Everyone is connected to God) (I did not kill anyone).
  6. I Give Offerings That Are Genuine (I have not withheld any money or offerings)
  7. I Live In Truth ( I have told any lies)
  8. I Regard All Altars With Respect (Never Disrupt the Ancestor Altar or Offend the God/Goddess)
  9. I Speak With Sincerity (Don’t be Fake or Phony)(Let Your Intentions Be Genuine)
  10. I Consume Only My Fair Share (Don’t Be Greedy, Do Not Overindulge)
  11. I Offer Words Of Good Intent (I will not lie on anybody or lie to anybody).
  12. I Relate In Peace ( I have not offended anybody in speech).
  13. I Honor Animals With Reverence (have respect for all animals).
  14. I Can Be Trusted (If you tell me your secrets, I keep them, if you ask for help, I will assist you).
  15. I Care For The Earth (I have not stolen or destroyed any land).
  16. I Keep My Own Counsel (Work on Self-Improvement, Self-Development, Take Accountability).
  17. I Speak Positively of Others (I am not jealous or angry without cause).
  18. I Remain In Balance With My Emotions (Mediate, Pray and Breathing Exercise)(Chakra Balance)
  19. I am Trustful In My Relations (Dating or Marriage) (I have not committed adultery or been unfaithful).
  20. I Hold Purity In High Self-Esteem (Respect Celibacy, Clean Diet, Clean Body).
  21. I Spread Joy (Make Others Relaxed and Comfortable In Your Presence).
  22. I Do The Best I Can (Work, Home, Community and Family)(100% Best Effort).
  23. I Communicate With Compassion (Respect Feelings of Others).
  24. I Listen To Opposing Opinions (Listen To Others That Do Not Agree With Me).
  25. I Create Harmony ( Live Non-Violent)(Make Everyone Feel Safe In My Presence).
  26. I Invoke Laughter (Make Others Smile)
  27. I Am Open To Love In Various Forms (Universal Love, Universal Harmony).
  28. I Am Forgiving (Let Go Who Hurt or Offend You).
  29. I Am Kind (To Everyone-Universal).
  30. I Act Respectfully Of Others (Do not offend in speech, Do Not Go Through Someone’s Belongings.
  31.  I Am Accepting (I Have Not Unfairly Judged Someone Without Getting To Know Them).
  32. I Follow My Inner Guidance (Trust Your Intuition).
  33. I Converse With Awareness (Be Mindful Of Whom You Talk To And What You Discuss).
  34. I Do Good (Charity in Heart To Help Others) (Volunteer, Feed The Homeless, Save A Whale, Etc).
  35. I Give Blessings (Have Not Cursed or Spoken Against Anyone.
  36. I Keep The Waters Pure (Do Not Pollute The Water).
  37. I Speak With Good Intent (Do Not Be Arrogant).
  38. I Praise The Goddess and The God (Never Offend In Speech or Action; Anger The God or Goddess)
  39. I Am Humble (Do Not Boast or Brag On Yourself).
  40. I Achieve With Integrity (Sticking To Morale Beliefs & Doing The Right Thing When No One Is Looking).
  41. I Advance Through My Own Abilities
  42. I Embrace The All (Open-Minded To What’s New, Willingly Accept & Support Change, Embrace Foreign Influence).


Gigi King 5/21/22

Sources Cited

Africa Day

Africa Day Is A Powerful Day To Celebrate Mother Africa; She Is Rich In Wealth, Culture and Resources.

Dakota's Document Preparation

Is celebrated May 25, 1963, this day is celebrated in various countries on the continent. Celebrating Africa’s strong cultural identity and to commemorate the funding of the Organization of African Unity which was created on this day and evolved into the African Union (AU).

31 African leaders convened a summit meeting to found the Organization of African Unity which is a Unity of African Nations.

Founder is prime minister of Ghana Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and the headquarters are located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I; together they sought to modernize mother Africa.

The main function is to promote unity and solidarity among the African states which promotes economic development.

OAU is a union of leaders of Africa and the AU is seen as union of the African people.

The African Union is made up of all 55 countries on the continent and divided into 5…

View original post 665 more words

Africa Day

Africa Day Is celebrated May 25, 1963, this day is celebrated in various countries on the continent. Celebrating Africa’s strong cultural identity and to commemorate the funding of the Organization of African Unity which was created on this day and evolved into the African Union (AU).

31 African leaders convened a summit meeting to found the Organization of African Unity which is a Unity of African Nations.  

Founder is prime minister of Ghana Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and the headquarters are located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I; together they sought to modernize mother Africa.

We Are Rich:
Cameroon GDP (PPP) is $101.950 Billion and
Cameroon GDP (Nominal) is $44.893 Billion as of 2021.
Total GDP (PPP) of Africa: $8.05 Trillion as of 2022
Total GDP (Nominal) of Africa: $2.96 Trillion of 2022

The main function is to promote unity and solidarity among the African states which promotes economic development.

OAU is a union of leaders of Africa and the AU is seen as union of the African people.

The African Union is made up of all 55 countries on the continent and divided into 5 geographical regions.

The purpose of the OAU is to bring peace, prosperity, security, and stability to Africa. Eradicate all forms of colonialism, intensify efforts for a better life for the people of Africa, defend sovereignty and independence; and international cooperation (United Nations) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Work with relevant international partners in the eradication of preventable diseases and the promotion of good health on the continent.

 Drive Africa’s economic growth and development; to raise the standard of living of all African people.  Through the OAU the Continent worked and spoke as one in support of the liberation struggle and the fight against the apartheid.  Invite and encourage the full participation of the African Diaspora as an important part of our Continent, in the building of the African Union. Engage in peacemaking and peace keeping on the continent.

In the aftermath of colonialism, many African states were ravaged by economic crises brought about by internal and external influences. Poor policy advice, resource deficiencies, lack of institutional and physical infrastructure; along with corruption, political instability, and underdevelopment of the socio-economic development of Africa made things very difficult for the OAU. The OAU work to establish: free trade, custom unions, a central bank, and monetary union. Many African leaders blame Africa’s external debt on exploitation by former colonial powers and demand debt to be dissolved.

African Unity Flag
  1. The Palm leaves symbolizes peace
  2. The Gold circle symbolizes wealth and bright future of mother Africa
  3. The Green circle symbolizes African hopes and Aspirations
  4. The Map of Africa symbolizes unity
  5. The red stars symbolizes struggle
  6. The White symbolizes the purity of Africa’s desire to have genuine friends throughout the world.
  7. The Red Circle symbolizes bloodshed for the liberation of Africa.

The purpose of AU is to promote peace, security, good governance, democracy, and respect for human rights, justice and rule of law.  The AU is heavily dependent on donor funding to run its programs and operations and 40% of member States do not pay yearly contributions to the institutions. Stop crimes against humanity, violations of human rights and genocide. The flag of the AU was created by a young man known as Yadesa Bojia, an Ethiopian-born American artist and graphic designer in 2010.

  1. The Green stands for African hope
  2. Map of Africa symbolizes unity
  3. 55 Stars stand for the member States
African Unity Flag

AU Anthem

Let us all unite and celebrate together

The victories won for our liberation

Let us dedicate ourselves to rise together

To defend our liberty and unity.

O Sons and Daughters of Africa

Flesh of the Sun and Flesh of the Sky

Let us make Africa the Tree of Life.

Let us all unite and sing together

To uphold the bonds that frame our destiny

Let us dedicate ourselves to fight together

For lasting peace and justice on earth.

O Sons and Daughters of Africa

Flesh of the Sun and Flesh of the Sky

Let us make Africa the Tree of Life.

Let us all unite and toil together

To give the best we have to Africa

The cradle of mankind and fount of culture

Our pride and hope at the break of dawn.

O Sons and Daughters of Africa

Flesh of the Sun and Flesh of the Sky

Let us make Africa the Tree of Life.

This is a day to remember and reflect on the continent’s progress and challenges she faces. There are 54 countries in the African Union. It is a day observed as a public holiday in 12 countries:

1. Ghana,

2. Mali,

3. Namibia,

4. Zambia,

5. Zimbabwe,

6. Angola,

7. Chad,

8. Comoros,

9. Equatorial Guinea,

10. Lesotho,

11. Liberia,

12.  Mauritania

Umoja celebrations are held throughout the continent, mother Africa is estimated to have a population of 1.25 billion as of 2018 with a growth rate of 2.6% and is the 2nd largest continent in the world with over 2,000 languages spoken in Africa.

GDP of the 54 Countries In Africa are members of the African Union and the United Nations

  1. Algeria (The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria) North Africa GDP (PPP) $581.189 Billion as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal) $191.941 Billion dollars. (Currency: Algerian Dinar)(DZD).
  2. Angola (Republic of Angola) West Coast of Southern Africa GDP (PPP) $213.034 Billion as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal) $125.496 Billion dollars (Currency: Kwanza-AOA).
  3. Benin (Republic of Benin) West Africa GDP (PPP) $29.918 Billion dollars as of 2019 and GDP (Nominal) $11.386 Billion dollars (Currency: West African CFA Franc XOF).
  4. Botswana (Republic of Botswana) Southern Africa GDP (PPP) $43.474 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal) $16.948 Billion dollars. (Currency: Pula-BWP).
  5. Burkina Faso (West Africa) GDP (PPP) $45.339 Billion dollars as of 2020 and GDP (Nominal) $16.226 Billion dollars. (Currency: West African CFA franc-XOF).
  6. Burundi (Republic of Burundi) East Africa GDP (PPP) $8.380 Billion dollars as of 2019 and GDP (Nominal) $3.573 Billion dollars. Currency: Burundian Franc (FBu)(BIF).
  7. Cameroon West-Central Africa GDP (PPP) $101.950 Billion dollars as of 2021 and GDP (Nominal) $44.893 Billion dollars. (Currency: Central African CFA Franc-XAF).
  8. Cape Verde (Republic of Cabo Verde) Central Atlantic Ocean of Africa. GDP (PPP) $4.323 Billion dollars as of 2019 and GDP (Nominal) $2.042 Billion dollars. (Currency: Cape Verdean Escudo-CVE).
  9. Central African Republic Central Africa GDP (PPP) $4.262 Billion dollars as of 2019 and GDP (Nominal) $2.321 Billion dollars. (Currency: Central African CFA Franc-XAF and Bitcoin-BTC).
  10. Chad (Republic of Chad) North/Central Africa GDP (PPP) $30 Billion dollars as of 2018 and GDP (Nominal) $11 Billion dollars. (Currency: Central African CFA-Franc-XAF).
  11. Comoros (Union of the Comoros) East Coast of Africa GDP (PPP) $2.446 Billion dollars as of 2019 and GDP (Nominal) $1.179 Billion dollars. (Currency: Comorian Franc-KMF).
  12. Democratic Republic of the Congo Central Africa GDP (PPP) $121.569 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal) $61.800 Billion dollars. (Currency: Congolese Franc (CDF).
  13. Republic of the Congo Western Coast of Central Africa GDP (PPP) $25.897 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal) $18.345 Billion dollars. (Currency: Central African CFA Franc-XAF).
  14. Djibouti (Republic of Djibouti) located in the (Horn of Africa) GDP (PPP) $3.974 Billion dollars as of 2018 and GDP (Nominal) $2.187 Billion dollars. (Currency: Djibouti Franc-DJF).
  15. Egypt (Arab Republic of Egypt) Northeast corner of Africa. GDP (PPP) $1.493 Trillion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal) $438.348 Billion dollars. (Currency: Egyptian Pound-EGP).
  16. Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) West Coast of Central Africa GDP (PPP) $27.959 Billion as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal) $16.012 Billion dollars. (Currency: Central African-CFA Franc (XAF).
  17. Eritrea (State of Eritea) in the Horn of Africa and region of East Africa. GDP (PPP) $6.88 billion dollars as of 2021 and GDP (Nominal) $2.25 Billion dollars. (Currency: Nakfa-ERN).
  18. Eswatini (Kingdom of Eswatini) Southern Africa GDP (PPP) $10.717 Billion dollars as of 2021 and GDP (Nominal) $4.517 Billion dollars. (Currency: South African Rand (ZAR) and Lilangeni (SZL).
  19. Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) (Horn of Africa) GDP (PPP) $4.01 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal) $122.591 Billion dollars. (Currency: Birr (ETB).
  20. Gabon (Gabonese Republic) West Coast of Central Africa GDP (PPP) $37.824 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal) $22.019 Billion dollars. Currency: Central African CFA franc-XAF).
  21. The Gambia (Republic of Gambia) West Africa GDP (PPP) $5.420 Billion dollars as of 2020 and GDP (Nominal) $1.810 Billion dollars. Currency: Dalasi-GMD).
  22. Ghana (Republic of Ghana) West Africa GDP (PPP) $226 Billion dollars as of 2020 and GDP (Nominal) $73.594 Billion dollars. (Currency: Cedi-GHS)
  23. Guinea (Republic of Guinea) West Africa GDP (PPP) $26.451 Billion dollars as of 2020 and GDP (Nominal) $ 9.183 Billion dollars. Currency: Guinean-franc (GNF).
  24. Guinea-Bissau (Republic of Guinea-Bissau) West Africa GDP (PPP) $3.8 Billion dollars as of 2018 and GDP (nominal) $1.480 Billion dollars. (Currency: West African CFA franc-XOF).
  25. Ivory Coast (Republic of Cote d’Ivoire) Southern Coast of West Africa GDP (PPP) $173.188 Billion dollars as of 2022 and the GDP (Nominal) 75.075 Billion dollars. (Currency: West African CFA franc: XOF).
  26. Kenya (Republic of Kenya)East Africa GDP (PPP): $333.268 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal): $123.827 billion dollars. (Currency: Kenyan Shilling-KES).
  27. Lesotho (Kingdom of Lesotho) South Africa GDP (PPP): $5.762 Billion dollars as of 2021 and GDP(Nominal) $2.478 Billion dollars. (Currency: Lesotho Loti-LSL & South African Rand-ZAR).
  28. Liberia (Republic of Liberia) West Africa GDP (PPP): $6.469 Billion dollars as of 2019 and GDP (Nominal) $3.221 Billion dollars. (Currency: Liberian dollar-LRD).
  29. Libya (State of Libya) North Africa GDP (PPP): $128.281 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal): $50.326 Billion dollars. (Currency: Libyan Dinar-LYD).
  30. Madagascar (Republic of Madagascar) Island Country In the Indian Ocean of East Africa GDP (PPP): $45.948 Billion dollars 2019 and GDP (Nominal): 12.734 Billion dollars. (Currency: Ariary-MGA)
  31. Malawi (Republic of Malawi) Southeastern Africa GDP (PPP): 30.44 Billion dollars as of 2021 and GDP (Nominal): $11.9 Billion dollars. (Currency: Malawian Kwacha-MWK)
  32. Mali (Republic of Mali) West Africa GDP (PPP): $44.329 Billion dollars as of 2018 and GDP (Nominal): $17.407 Billion dollars. (Currency: West African CFA Franc-XOF)
  33. Mauritania (Islamic Republic of Mauritania) Northern West Africa GDP (PPP): $18.117 Billion dollars as of 2018 and GDP (Nominal): $5.200 Billion dollars. (Currency: Ouguiya-MRU).
  34. Mauritius (Republic of Mauritius) Southern East Coast GDP (PPP): $31.705 Billion dollars as of 2019 and GDP(Nominal): $14.812 Billion dollars. (Currency: Mauritian Rupee-MUR)
  35. Morocco (Kingdom of Morocco) Northern West GDP (PPP): $332.358 Billion dollars as of 2019 and GDP(Nominal): $122.458 Billion dollars. (Currency: Moroccan Dirham-MAD)
  36. Mozambique (Republic of Mozambique) Southeastern GDP (PPP): $43.265 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal): $16.446 Billion dollars. (Currency: Metical-MZN).
  37. Namibia (Republic of Namibia) Southern Africa GDP(PPP): $26.644 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal): $12.791 Billion dollars. (Currency: Namibian dollar (NAD) and South African Rand (ZAR).
  38. Niger (Republic of Niger) West Africa GDP (PPP): $23.475 Billion dollars as of 2018 and GDP(Nominal): $9.869 Billion dollars. (Currency: West African CFA franc-XOF).
  39. Nigeria (Federal Republic of Nigeria) West Africa GDP (PPP) $1.237 Trillion dollars as of 2022 and GDP(Nominal): $4.98 billion dollars. (Currency: Naira-NGN).
  40. Rwanda (Republic of Rwanda) Central Africa GDP (PPP): $37.211 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal): $12.06 Billion dollars. (Currency: Rwandan Franc-RWF).
  41. Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe Island Country-in the Gulf of Guinea GDP(PPP): $685 million dollars as of 2017 and GDP(nominal): $355 million dollars. (Currency: Dobra-STN).
  42. Senegal (Republic of Senegal) West Africa GDP(PPP)$66.438 Billion dollars as of 2020 and GDP(Nominal): $28.02 Billion dollars. (Currency: West African CFA Franc-XOF).
  43. Seychelles (Republic of Seychelles) Country In the Indian Ocean (115 Islands) GDP (PPP) $3.503 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal): $1.757 Billion dollars. (Currency: Seychellois Rupee-SCR).
  44. Sierra Leone (Republic of Sierra Leone) Southwest Coast GDP(PPP): $12.177 Billion dollars as of 2018 and GDP (nominal): $3.824 Billion dollars. (Currency: Leone-SLL).
  45. Somalia (Federal Republic of Somalia) Horn of Africa GDP (PPP): $20.641 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal): $5.218 Billion dollars. (Currency: Somali Shilling-SOS).
  46. South Africa (Republic of South Africa) Southern most country in Africa. GDP(PPP): $924 Billion dollars and GDP(Nominal): $419 Billion dollars. (Currency: South African Rand-ZAR).
  47. South Sudan (Republic of South Sudan) GDP(PPP): $18.435 Billion dollars as of 2018 and GDP(Nominal): $3.194 Billion dollars. (Currency: South Sudanese Pound).
  48. Sudan (Republic of Sudan) Northeast Africa GDP(PPP): $203.040 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP(Nominal): $30.808 Billion dollars. (Currency: Sudanese Pound).
  49. Tanzania (United Republic of Tanzania) East Africa GDP(PPP): $ 205.487 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP(Nominal): $77.103 Billion dollars. (Currency: Tanzanian Shilling).
  50. Togo (Togolese Republic) West Africa GDP(PPP): $14.919 Billion dollars as of 2019 and GDP (Nominal): $5.592 Billion dollars. (Currency: West African CFA franc-XOF).
  51. Tunisia (Tunisian Republic) Northern most country in Africa. GDP (PPP): $159.707 Billion dollars as of 2020 and GDP (Nominal): $44.192 Billion dollars. (Currency: Tunisian Dinar-TND).
  52. Uganda (Republic of Uganda) East Africa GDP(PPP): $129.48 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP (Nominal): $46.38 Billion dollars. (Currency: Ugandan Shilling-UGX).
  53. Zambia (Republic of Zambia) (Crossroads of Central, Southern & East Africa) GDP (PPP): $75.857 Billion dollars as of 2019 and GDP(Nominal): $23.946 Billion dollars. (Currency: Zambian Kwacha).
  54. Zimbabwe (Republic of Zimbabwe) Southeast Africa GDP (PPP): $38.077 Billion dollars as of 2022 and GDP(Nominal): $34.727 Billion dollars. (Currency: Zimbabwean dollar and U.S. dollar-USD).


Gigi King 5/21/22

Sources Cited