Africa Day

Africa Day Is A Powerful Day To Celebrate Mother Africa; She Is Rich In Wealth, Culture and Resources.

Dakota's Document Preparation

Is celebrated May 25, 1963, this day is celebrated in various countries on the continent. Celebrating Africa’s strong cultural identity and to commemorate the funding of the Organization of African Unity which was created on this day and evolved into the African Union (AU).

31 African leaders convened a summit meeting to found the Organization of African Unity which is a Unity of African Nations.

Founder is prime minister of Ghana Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and the headquarters are located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I; together they sought to modernize mother Africa.

The main function is to promote unity and solidarity among the African states which promotes economic development.

OAU is a union of leaders of Africa and the AU is seen as union of the African people.

The African Union is made up of all 55 countries on the continent and divided into 5…

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One thought on “Africa Day

  1. Dakota's Document Preparation Services says:

    The Wealth of Mother Africa Is Sensational With The GDP from the 54 Countries of The African Union, she rich! The World’s 2nd largest and populated continent in the world after Asia. GDP (PPP) $8.05 Trillion as of 2022 and GDP(Nominal) $2.96 Trillion dollars as of 2022. Over 1,275,920,972 Billion people in population! Over 2,500 languages spoken on the continent. Let’s continue to celebrate mother Africa for outstanding progress from 13th century-until now 2022.Our ancestors are smiling down upon us, Ase.

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