Heritage Day/Shaka Day in South Africa

Was first celebrated September 24, 1995, which recognizes and celebrates the cultural wealth of our nation. This promotes cultural diversity, social cohesion, reconciliation, peace and economic development. In commemoration of the legendary Zulu King, Shaka Zulu. South Africans celebrate many cultures that make up the population of South Africa. Formerly known as Braai (barbecue) to celebrate common roots to South Africa.

King Shaka Zulu July 1787-September 1828 his role was uniting Zulu clans into a cohesive nation, each year people gather at his grave to honour him. He established the Zulu Kingdom from 1816 to 1828

Therefore, the holiday was formerly called Shaka Day. The first public holiday after the democratic elections in 1994 and observed as a public holiday in 1996. In the first two decades of the 19th century, the Zulu people grew in power and expanded their territory and reorganized the military by forging alliances with smaller neighbors to counter growing threats. During his last reign Mfecane/Difaqane (Upheaval/Crushing) a period of devastating warfare and chaos in southern Africa between 1815-1840 that depopulated the region. He was assassinated by his half-brothers Dingane and Mpande because of his brutal behavior and Dingane rose to power in 1828-1840.

The Zulu Kingdom

1816-1828 Shaka The founder of the Zulu Kingdom, he was responsible for re-organizing the military , he was serving as a warrior under Dingiswayo, the mentor over the Zulu general teaching him a military system to strengthen his power base, produce a discipline and highly organized army and a disciplined society.

1828-1840 Dingane came to power after assassinating his half-brother Shaka for being too brutal, with the help of his other brother and Shaka’s bodyguard. He lacked military and leadership skills, Chiefs fell out of favour with Dingane, fled the country and others were massacred. In 1837 Dingane met with Piet Retief leader of the Voortrekkers. In return for their recovering some stolen cattle, Dingane signed a deed of cession of lands (written in English) to the Voortrekkers, Dingane knew what he was signing although he could not read or write, he did not have any formal education. The contents of the documents or understood the concept of permanent land ownership. Two days later, chief Retief showed up ordering Dingane and his army to leave the royal kraal. The men were overpowered by Dingane’s army. Furthermore, King Dingane did not trust the Voortrekkers and did not wish to yield the land ceded to them in the treaty killed Retief’s trek party 500 Boers and native servants, including women and children. Shortly thereafter, Dingane ordered his army to kill the group under Andries Pretorius, other group of Voortrekkers. In January 1840 the 400 Boers helped Mpande revolt against his brother Dingane which later resulted in overthrowing him and his death The Zulu attacked but were defeated in the Battle of the Blood River. 3,000 Zulus were killed.

1840-1856 Mpande He reigned for 32 years, he showed no interest in Zulu power politics, In September 1839 Mpande did not support his brother during the war, fearing he would be killed if he joined Dingane, Mpande led thousands of Zulus into Boer republic of Natalia. His army defeated his brother Dingane and he was immediately King. He was depicted as a weak leader, his son was making all the decisions as he did not want the responsibilities of a King. He was so fat he was unable to walk, he died in 1872 and it was kept a secret to secure a smooth transition of power to Cetshwayo as he proved his capabilities as a leader. However, the British pressured him into withdrawing, which he did.

1856-1884 Cetshwayo opposed the war tried to make peace with the British in 1878 Sir Henry Bartle Frere, sought to confederate Cape Colony, wanted to provoke the Zulu king issued an ultimatum that demanded Cetshwayo disband his army. His refusal led to war in 1879, he continually sought to make peace, he defeated the British and they retreated, two battles resulted in total collapse of the British military positions, King Cetshwayo was hoping to secure a peace treaty. The British then returned to Zululand with a far larger and better armed force, finally capturing the Zulu capital on 4th of July of 1879, Cetshwayo was deposed and exiled and returned to Zululand in 1883. He died on February 8, 1884.

1884-1887 Diniuzulu succeeded his father Cetshwayo, the last King of the Zulu nation. Zululand has been broken up into 13 different smaller territories by the British government after the Anglo-Zulu War, the British later realized the futility of breaking up Zululand into territories. He was captured by the British and exiled for 7 years to the island St. Helena for leading an army against the British. He died October 18, 1913.

With over 60 million people in the country, 81% of the population are Black South Africans. The rest of the population consist of: European (White South Africans) which from European descent (7.9%), Asian (Indian South Africans) and Chinese South Africans (2.6%), and Multiracial Ethnic Group (Coloured South Africans) (8.8%) The Brown People they are called because of the combination of ethnicities, different families and individuals within a family may have a variety of different physical features. Coloured was a racial classification defined during the apartheid-The National Party imposed apartheid in 1948.

South Africa is proud to be a multi-ethnic society with a wide rage of cultures, languages and religions.

I personally, loved the holiday of Shaka because he was the very first freedom fighter for Africa while I respect cultural diversity let’s not forget to celebrate and visit the grave of Shaka Zulu and his efforts to prevent mother Africa from colonization. I feel this slither of history can get lost once watered down and eventually lost by celebrating what is currently and erasure of the Shaka Zulu Kingdom from history. His resting place is KwaDukuza, South Africa. I find strength and power in the legacy of Shaka Zulu. May his soul rest in peace.

Sources Cited



Gigi King 6/1/2022

2 thoughts on “Heritage Day/Shaka Day in South Africa

  1. Dakota's Document Preparation Services says:

    I personally, loved the holiday of Shaka because he was the very first freedom fighter for Africa. I feel this slither of history can get lost once watered down and eventually lost by celebrating cultural diversity thus lead to the erasure of the Shaka Zulu Kingdom from history. His resting place is KwaDukuza, South Africa. I find strength and power in the legacy of Shaka Zulu. May his soul rest in peace.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dakota's Document Preparation Services says:

    Reblogged this on Dakota's Document Preparation & Inspiration and commented:

    I personally, loved the holiday of Shaka because he was the very first freedom fighter for Africa. I feel this slither of history can get lost once watered down and eventually lost by celebrating cultural diversity thus lead to the erasure of the Shaka Zulu Kingdom from history. His resting place is KwaDukuza, South Africa. I find strength and power in the legacy of Shaka Zulu. May his soul rest in peace.


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